Telling Stories: Making Business

Please note: This page had been transferred to my new website.  The new page already has new information on it!  Follow the link to the new Telling Stories: Making Business page.  Scroll down this page for older testimonials and archive of past storytellers.

Spring 2021 Programme


Name and Business

Story Title

Thursday 25 March 2021, 2pm on Zoom

Laura Baker, Nomad Opening Doors

Thursday 8 April 2021, 2pm on Zoom

Elaine Mitchell Empowerment Coach


Thursday 22 April 2021, 2pm on Zoom



Thursday 13 May 2021, 2pm on Zoom

Pete Mave, ImproveYour?

Thursday 27 May 2021, 2pm on Zoom

Mary Nonde, "Intuitive Vision Boards" and "Awaken Your Intuitive Vision"

Plus Latest "Find Tell Share" Podcast

Podcast: February 2021, Find Tell Share, Episode 9.

Guest: Elaine Mitchell, Empowertment Coach

If you would like to tell your story, please text Chris Sissons on the mobile number at the top of the page.  I'm seeking storytellers from 22 April 2021! Normally second and fourth Thursdays at 2pm.  Meetings take place on Zoom.

Storytelling helps us find an audience who care about our purpose.  They help us communicate who we are and our business values.  Facts and figures go only so far, stories are remembered and demand a response from those who hear or read them.

The Telling Stories: Making Business Facebook Page includes posts about Telling Stories events and loads of ideas about storytelling.  Please visit and like the page.

Telling Stories: Making Business munch and learn, whatever time it happens, feel free to bring a sandwich! 

What happens?

We make brief introductions

Today's Story-Teller tells their story:

  • the group helps them understand their story, takes it apart and puts it back together again
  • we discuss how it can best be used to promote their business
  • we consider the media they use to tell the story

At the end we go round with 1 minute each to introduce our own business and say how this session has helped your business.

Please sign up on Eventbrite to receive your Zoom link..

If you search on Eventbrite, please look out for this image:

Chris Sissons discusses smart coaching with 3 others.

The group usually meets second and fourth Thursdays.

Time: 4.00 - 5.30pm.  (However, these dates and times may vary as we are now online and can be more flexible.  Check the programme above.)

Place: Zoom - register to receive the link.

Contribution: When this was a live event, I charged £5. I've dropped this for the online meetings.  However, if you would like to show your appreciation and buy me a notional coffee or beer, please ask for my account details.

If you would like to receive email reminders of Telling Stories events, please enter your details below:

​Get ​notice of Telling Stories meetings

​Sign up below for notice of "Telling Stories: Making Business" Lunch and Learn sessions, business story-telling workshops and other associated events.


Testimonials from Past Storytellers

Susie Moore More4yourmoney

Amazing Feedback

It was absolutely fantastic. It’s only the second time I’ve ever been able to come and tell my story. So it’s been nice to be able to tell it in a safe environment with lovely people and to get some amazing feedback. So thank you very much.

Stuart McAdie Revital u

"Why" is Very Powerful in Business

A very informative, insightful … Well lots of great insights from Chris actually. I was asked to prepare a short story, really looking at my why, which is very powerful in business. So it was good to be able to share that and to also hear Chris’ points on that and his thinking about different ways of structuring stories. I ended up with a couple of stories running through on different themes. So I really enjoyed the whole process. It’s given me a lot to think about as well to further develop it. I loved every minute and I had a nice lunch.

Lee Furness Public Speaking Coach

Story-Telling Helps Me Find Something in Myself

Chris it’s been great, really nice to come and think I’ll come back again and again. Story-telling not only is interesting for everyone else but it helps me find something in myself about how to not just tell my story but work out what it is I want to tell not just to others but to work it out for myself, what I want to do. So thank you for inviting me, I’ve enjoyed it, it’s been great.

Past Sessions


Name and Business

Story Title

55.  Thursday 11 March 2021, 2pm on Zoom

John Chapman, Past Lives Ancestry and Research

54.  Thursday 11 February 2021, 2pm on Zoom

Mickey Bee, Barking Mad Productions

53.  Thursday 28 January 2021, 2pm on Zoom

Laura Riley, Mums in Need (MIN)

52.  Thursday 14 January 2021, 2pm on Zoom

Karen Williams, Librotas

51.  10 December 2020, 2pm on Zoom

Tracey Watson: Leadership, Change and Wellbeing Coach

50.  26 November 2020, 2pm on Zoom

Nabeela Ahmed: Writer, Poet, Storyteller and Spoken Word Artist

49.  12 November 2020, 2pm on Zoom

Selina Hafiz, SWANNECT

48.  22 October 2020, 2pm on Zoom

Deb Leonard, Deb Leonard Tropic

20 October 2020, 7-9pm on Zoom.

I'm guest speaker at the Sheffield Coaching Exchange, text me for details.

Play Magic and Enchantment: Marketing Need Not be a Chore

47.  8 October 2020, 2pm on Zoom

Owen Gleadall, Merlinsoft Ltd

Wednesday 26 August 2020, 8pm. Recording thereafter.

I'm a guest on The Zo Show with host Zoheb Sadiq of ZoCreative.

Finding Glass Unicorns

Follow this link for recording of this episode.

46.  Thursday 23 July 2020, 2pm

Claudette Delderfield, Swift Change Hypnosis

45.  Thursday 9 July 2020, 2pm

Olivia Joseph, SHAPE

SHAPE the Girl

44.  Thursday 25 June 2020, 2pm

Suman Manghra, Manifestation Maven

43.  Thursday 11 June 2020, 2pm

Martin Warrillow,

42.  Thursday 28 May 2020, 3pm

Akin Ancorlee, Utility Warehouse and Fullmoon Property

41.  23 April 2020, 4.00 - 5.30pm

Jemma Rosenthal, Find Your Voice - Music, Acting, Dance and Creativity

40.  12 March 2020, 12.15 - 1.45pm

Antony Baker, Focussing on Photography

39.  27 February 2020, 12.15-1.45pm

Chris Sissons, Market Together

How to Find the Promethean Flame!

38.  13 February 2020, 12.15 - 1.45pm

Jennifer Chrouch, Iceline Cleaning

37.  23 January 2020, 12.15 - 1.45pm

Tristan Firth, Rivelin Consulting Limited

36.  28 November 2019, 12.15 - 1.45pm

Ches Moulton, The Stress Master

35.  24 October 2019, 12.15 - 1.45pm

Angelo Balestra, Diroma 1980 - Menswear Personal Stylist

34.  10 October 2019, 12.15 - 1.45pm

Martin Spence, Planet Xoolon: 7th Wave

33.  12 September 2019, 12.15 - 1.45pm

Steve Knapp, The Sales Mindset Coach

Monday 29 July 2019, 12.00 - 2.00pm

4 Networking, Hilton Hotel

Chris Sissons, Market Together

When Don't  You Need a Copywriter?

32.  27 June 2019, 12.15 - 1.45pm

Rob Taylor, 0114 Marketing

31.  13 June 2019, 12.15 - 1.45pm

Sue Coult, Focus and Move, Wellness Coach

23 May 2019, 6.00 - 8.00pm at Sheffield Metropolitan.  4 Networking Meeting.

Chris Sissons, Market Together

Homework for Business: Stories from everyday life.  

30.  23 May 2019, 12.15 - 1.45pm

Carmel Page, Performance Storyteller

29.  9 May 2019, 12.15 - 1.45pm

Sue Curr, Fear Less - Live More

Tuesday 9 April 2019, 9.00 for 9.30am - 12.30pm

Workshop led by Chris Sissons, Market Together and Carmel Page, Performance Storyteller.

28.  28 March 2019, 12.15 - 1.45pm

Stephen Dawson, Financial Advisor

27.  14 March 2019, 12.15 - 1.45pm

Beverly Radley, Breakthrough from Within

26.  28 February 2019, 12.15 - 1.45pm

Olga Geidane, New Life Kick Start

Impossible is Only an Opinion

25.  14 February 2019, 12.15 - 1.45pm

Ruth McIntosh Brand Storyteller, Copywriter and Proof-reader

24.  24 January 2019, 12.15 - 1.45pm

Audrey Scully, Joy is the Key

23.  10 January 2019, 12.15 - 1.45pm

Bryony Doran, Writing Services

22.  13 December 2018, 12.15 - 1.45pm

Katie Bain, Games Explorers

21.  22 November 2018, 12.15 - 1.45pm

Susie Moore, More4yourmoney

Monday 12 November 2018, 6.30 - 9.00pm

Chris Sissons speaking at Public Speaking Academy Curry Club

Storytelling in Marketing

20.  8 November 2018, 12.15 - 1.45pm

Barry Dovey, BDCMA Accountants

Monday 29 October 2018, 4.30 - 6.00pm

Chris Sissons speaking at 0114 Marketing Power Hour

Telling Your Business Story to Grow Your Business ... Fast!

19.  25 October 2018, 12.15 - 1.45pm

Stuart McAdie, Revital u

18.  11 October 2018, 12.15 - 1.45pm

Jo Cavalot, Dottymow Limited

Wednesday 3 October 2018, 6.30 - 8.30pm

Workshop at Learn Create Sell, led by Chris Sissons

17.  27 September 2018, 12.15-1.45pm

Jurys Inn, Eyre Street

Telling Stories Demonstration Event.  Jacky Gozzard, Moon Penny Therapy

16.  13 September 2018, 12.15-1.45pm

Siobhan Louise Moss, The Innate Self-Love Project

15.  Wednesday 11 July 2018, 6.30 - 8.30pm

Workshop at Learn Create Sell

21.  14 June 2018

Rebecca Norton, Sense of Direction

20.  24 May 2018

Yen Ip, Koomation Sketchbook

Humour Kills Tumour

19.  10 May 2018

Angga Kara, Inner Fire Coach

18.  26 April 2018

Natalie-Claire Luwisha, Success Coach

It All Started With 5% More Confidence 

17.  12 April 2018

Sian Podmore, Be Outdoors

From Bombay to Bamford

16.  22 March 2018

Sarah Hattersley, Barnsley & Rotherham Chamber of Commerce

15.  8 March 2018

Zoe Robinson, Hypnotherapy by Zoe

14.  22 February 2018

Trev Baker, Life Rolls On

13.  8 February 2018

Dr Jonathan Frost,

From Physicist To Firewalker

12.  25 January 2018

Zoe Wadsworth, FAB Events

11 January 2018

Matthew Woodhall, Meshviz

14.  14 December 2017

Helen Lodge, Union Homes

12.  23 November 2017

Robert Pearce, The Marketing Ladder

11.  9 November 2017

Audrey Scully, Purity Natural Healing

10.  26 October 2017

Lee Furness, Public Speaking Academy

9.  12 October 2017

Mark Kehoe, Inspire Confidence Coaching

8.  28 September 2017

Michelle Nicholson, Key Changes - Unlocking Women's Potential

7.  14 September 2017

Andrew Bennett, Hartcliff Limited (Financial planning with built in peace of mind.)

6.  17 August 2017

Sian Podmore

5.  6 July 2017

Roger Cheetham

4.  25 May 2017

Steve Allen

3.  11 May 2017

Darren Owen

2.  27 April 2017

Andrea Wallen

1.  13 April 2017

Renuka Russell

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