Hello, I'm Chris

Chris Sissons

​I ​​help ​successful business owners engag​e hearts and minds, through ​stories and ideas, to get the results they need.

​​My special skill is to ​dramat​ically increase the chances of ​customer buying decisions based on your message.

​Wa​tch this video - it shows why you need a systematic approach to storytelli​ng in marketing:



  • Weekly story with comments about its genesis and development, streng​ths and weaknesses.  Great opp​ortunty to hone your ​story-telling skills. New subscribers receive catch up ​emails for this unique ​sequence.
  • ​Weekly round up of ​blog posts on ​aspects of storytelling and marketing. 
  • ​Notice of events, including Telling Stories: Making Business, ​w​orkshops​​​​ and other offers relating to story-led and email marketing.​​​
  • Support​ ​from ​Chris Sissons, if you have questions about story-led and email marketing.
  • ​Receive ​free offers from time to time.

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Audrey Scully Joy is the Key

My Emails will be Different


We’ve just had a morning with Chris telling us about how to do storytelling and putting it in an email along with Carmel Page who actually also helped us tell our story in a more passionate and emotional way. I really, really enjoyed this session and it’s really helped me to think about things like putting in my story how the smell of something or the taste, setting the scene, and thinking about lots of other things and of course putting in the emotion. So, look out for my emails, they’ll be a lot different from now on. It was very good and lasted about 3 hours.

Chris will be doing more of this, so if you’re interested in finding out more, message Chris. He’s very good at storytelling and he’s doing marketing, telling us as well how to put it in emails and how to get it out there and doing blogs and things like that.