Hello, I'm Chris

Chris Sissons

​I ​​help ​successful business owners engag​e hearts and minds, through ​stories and ideas, to get the results they need.

​​My special skill is to ​dramat​ically increase the chances of ​customer buying decisions based on your message.

​Wa​tch this video - it shows why you need a systematic approach to storytelli​ng in marketing:



  • Weekly story with comments about its genesis and development, streng​ths and weaknesses.  Great opp​ortunty to hone your ​story-telling skills. New subscribers receive catch up ​emails for this unique ​sequence.
  • ​Weekly round up of ​blog posts on ​aspects of storytelling and marketing. 
  • ​Notice of events, including Telling Stories: Making Business, ​w​orkshops​​​​ and other offers relating to story-led and email marketing.​​​
  • Support​ ​from ​Chris Sissons, if you have questions about story-led and email marketing.
  • ​Receive ​free offers from time to time.

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Lee Furness Public Speaking Coach

Story-Telling Helps Me Find Something in Myself


Chris it’s been great, really nice to come and think I’ll come back again and again. Story-telling not only is interesting for everyone else but it helps me find something in myself about how to not just tell my story but work out what it is I want to tell not just to others but to work it out for myself, what I want to do. So thank you for inviting me, I’ve enjoyed it, it’s been great.